Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spaceman's Head

Here, I've kind of worked out his head. At least, I like it. I'm going to try to finish this whole thing for my portfolio. Geez, the Avalanche guys make it look so easy!

Current Painting Progress

So, here's my latest progress in painting. This is a space dude. He's a bit peeved right now cause somebody stuck a piece of bubble gum in his rifle chamber. He's got to finish cleaning his space gun before he can go put the hurt on somebody. OK, I had a more profound story worked out at first, but then I canned it in favor of just being goofy. Hopefully you can tell that I'm trying to emulate the avalanche painting style. After talking to Todd Harris, I've been trying to copy some of his and Ryan Wood's work, just to learn some skills. This guy is my own design, though.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Gator Painting

I don't know if you can tell, but I think alligators are pretty awesome. But then, who doesn't? Also, bunnies are yummy.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gas Station Lighting 2.0

So, this one turned out... almost exactly the same as the one before it. Geez. Well, I feel like I fixed some of the afore mentioned focus issues, and it looks much more solidly sitting on an actual ground. Also, the colors are cleaner and more saturated. Comments welcome!

Gas Station Lighting 2.0 (but not done yet)

Here's the beginnings of another one I hope to finish tonight. I'm making some changes after talking to Al Bradshaw, who is in charge of our lighting design team. Also, this one hopefully looks less like it's swimming and more like it's on the ground.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Gas Station Lighting

Yep. It's yet another painting for lighting purposes. It's also a color test for our film about squashed armadillos. Man, I'm starting to dig this paint in photoshop thing.
By the way, this color design was based on photos our lighting design froup found and on some color work by Mike Mercer, especially.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another Lighting Test

Here's a middle of the movie lighting idea. I think, though, it's probably too dark.

Armadillo Lighting and Color Concept

We a sunset lighting for the first scene. This was pretty much a color study.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gator Sketch

These are some sketches I did for my final in Ryan's class, but never used them. I was toying with the idea that the Demon Five Heads was a space alien crash landed in Africa. I liked them, so despite low image quality, I'm hanging them up here on my virtual fridge!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Toy Painting, More Finished Version

Aww, don't you want one? He's just so cute. And diabolical.
Anyway, this is just a more finished version. I tightened up some details and made the shadows stronger, etc.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Toy Painting

This was a toy design for Joe's class last semester. I've started painting it, but it's a work in progress!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog Links?

Any artists want me to link to their blog? Let me know.

Gas Station

This one was good enough to get inked. Some of the others were fun, too, but I think this fits the purpose best.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

One More

After much discussion, Abby found a picture of a falling apart gas station with many of the qualities and shapes we talked about. This one is based a lot on that image.

Another Dillo Eviron

Here's another dillo environ. It's yet another version of that same dang gas station.

Clint Eastwood, Slightly Colored

Here's my Clint caricature again, this time slightly colored and textured. I also refined the original painting a bit. I think I needed to paint in color in the first place, or at least sooner, or get a different coloring method. I'll try it again shortly (although I still think this one is cool).

Monday, March 3, 2008

Armadillo Environments

I am working with Abby Ash to design the gas station, which is the central location for a our senior film. I had been drawing them with flat roofs and Abby had been giving them A frames. My new favorite is a combination of the two- half flat, half pointy. As for materials (and shape), we're going for a stucco look. I found the flippin coolest abandoned stucco gas station online... That's where I got the buttresses! We'll go over these in the morning. Also, I need to stop blogging after midnight.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Clint Eastwood Painting

So, I started to paint this Clint caricature in black and white with the idea of colorizing it like the videos on Ryan Wood's and Mark Behm's blog (nice work, gentleman). I think I went too far with the values though, and it's being un-easy to color... I'll come back to it shortly, as right now I'm going to sleep.