Thursday, January 24, 2008

GOP Presidential Debate Caricatures

I want to push my caricatures more than I have previously, so here are some attempts from the Florida GOP debate, all with varying levels of success. Click for larger image. Collect them all!


David Dunn said...

What in the world were you doing watching the presidential debates? Don't you have some better things to do with your time?

Chip Kohrman said...

After looking at these caricatures, I believe I can identify your preferred candidate!

Brian Kohrman said...

not necessarily...

Tyson Murphy said...

was it wolf blitzer?

E said...

I know we dont know each other Brian, but I came across these pictures on your blog in a google search, and loved the motivational poster and your caricatures (particularly this gop one) and being that I recently graduated from BYU myself I didn't think it would be too weird to leave you a comment (hopefully...)

Brian Kohrman said...

Of course it's OK! Glad you like it! And, good luck in the real world after college...