Friday, October 10, 2008

Lightning Boy painting FINISHED!

At least I think so.


nomi said...

Sparkly! Crisp! Clear! Did Sam see this yet? I'd love to hear what he says. Looks portfolio quality to me. But I always like your stuff.

Melanie said...

I had NO IDEA you were so talented. Sinmply amazing! You're amazing, and should be very proud!!

Josh H. Black said...

Brian you are an unstoppable machine! Love the edge control way to wrap your brain around that problem and strangle it to death!

Joe Cressssss said...

Never give up, never surrender.

Aaron Ludwig said...

This is great, Brian! I remember you showing this to me in the animation lab, asking me to describe his emotions in two words or less.... you've finished it very nicely!

Hannah said...

You rock, Brian. This turned out really well! The lighting looks great, and also the detail on the helmet. Oh, and the sparks and the little blue electric things.

Lindsay said...

This is bloody gorgeous.