Thursday, December 13, 2007


So, what's wrong with this picture? That's right, PART OF IT IS NOT REAL! What part is it? What part did I build in 3D? Can you tell? Yes, probably, if you keep looking. But I'm still pretty pleased with it.


Thirdmango said...

I couldn't tell at first and had to click on the picture and then I saw the iPod didn't have any of the arrows and labels on it, seriously, if you put the labels on, I don't think many people would be able to tell. Very well done, which program did you use to do this one?

Brian Kohrman said...

Thanks, I did forget the labels. Oops! I used Maya and Pixar Renderman.

ShawnK said...

Wow. I had a feeling it was the iPod, but it was very hard to tell. I didn't even notice the arrows missing at first. What finally got me was the reflection of the cords on the side were slightly off. Nice!

Morgan Rhys Gibbons said...


Callejeros Uruguay said...

great ! maya is the best!